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Sunday, June 14, 2009

It was a Sunday to remember!

Good morning on Monday June 15th here in RMI. We had a great day yesterday - starting with seeing the Filipino Independence Day parade on our way to church. The cars and floats were beautifully decorated with huge palm fronds/pantanus and balloons and ribbons. We appreciated our church service. When the power went out part way through the service, the guy playing the keyboard just got his guitar and kept right on playing.

After church Gordon and his family took us as their guests to the Lion's Club annual meeting. We rode on a beautiful 30+ foot yacht about 30 minutes across the lagoon to Enemanit - a beautiful private beach. The boat ride and time at Enemanit were thanks to a local businessman supporting the Lion's Club. While the club had it's annual meeting, we enjoyed the beautiful clear waters of the ocean. It rained on the way over, and several other times during the afternoon - but the sun kept coming back out between the rain showers too. Then the 25 of us that were there enjoyed a delicious potluck lunch to go with the chicken they barbequed over an open flame right on the beach. There was a big thatched roof pavillion and several bamboo wood and thatched roof little shelters to stay in to get out of the rain. It would be a good movie set for sure, because that is what it felt like - something out of a movie or novel.

The five of us above, waiting for the boat to launch and all the supplies to be loaded. Boston and Jacob were finishing a PB & J sandwich to tide them over until the big lunch.

This is the boat docked at Enemanit.

Jacob and Hannah enjoying the ride from the back of the boat on the way to Enemanit. The beautiful sandy beach above, full of interesting shells, roosters, chickens, pigs and dogs. Below you see Boston laughing in the water with Gordon's mother-in-law Donjean.

Here's a video of Boston running down the beach and into Peter's arms. What a terrific time we had and in such a beautiful place. Bye for now - Lois for us five


  1. Ok- sobbing here at home- reading your post- and that video. What are you trying to do to us! I should have been warned to get a tissue or something! Lois- it sounds like a marvelous day. So happy that you were all able to get away and enjoy the beauty. Sounds like a movie too.
    Love you. And still crying by the way!

  2. Sounds like you had a wonderful and exciting day on the boat ride and at the beach! i absolutely LOVE the video of boston! what a beautiful, happy boy! praying for you all!
    love you lots,

  3. Your Sunday sounds like a wonderful, relaxing day. I'm so glad you have been able to do fun and enjoyable things while you wait. Boston is sure a cutie! I can hardly wait to meet him. Sounds like he and Hannah are already acting like siblings! Great picture of all 5 of you on the boat.

  4. Fantastic video of Boston! Brought tears to my eyes to see him looking right a home with Peter!
    Ky, for all of us

  5. Awesome video! We love keeping up with what you are doing every day and can't wait until you are home!

    Love, Jane and my crew

  6. Lois, thanks for sharing such little details with us here at home. You're doing a marvelous job describing everything -- it feels like we're right there with you! You all look great and it sounds like everyone is doing well. I loved this video. I showed it to Jim and got all teary-eyed, especially at the end when Peter wraps Boston in his arms and kisses him. (Gaaaa -- I'm tearing up just thinking about it!!!) Love you all! - Karen

  7. It's Father's Day, and I can't think of a better way to appreciate what that means than to watch the video of Boston running into Peter's arms. Their smiles relay more than any words can say. What a day to remember!

    Susan, Jason, Joel, Fia and Des
