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Monday, June 8, 2009

Tuesday, day #12, more sunshine and blue skies!

Jacob with his birth mother Eomi, her husband and two of their sons:

Hannah, Ashley, Melissa, and Boston with a sucker in his mouth - don't know girl on right's name. Emcilla & girls' home:

Jacob on the left with some new play mates and Ashley by the big tree in the courtyard

Yesterday/Monday was another interesting day here. We went in the morning to visit Boston's birth family. Our facilitator Maddy led us there, and then had to leave to help a birth mother with a sick baby. Emcilla and her 3 girls live in an area of homes around a big big tree. We are learning that the folks here spend most of the day outside, and don't stay inside the hot houses. This big tree gave quite a bit of shade and there were about 25 kids playing outside when we arrived. We brought suckers and fruit leathers to share - and gave out every single piece. The fruit leathers weren't the best idea in the heat- but the kids loved them even though they were hard to get out of the packaging. Boston was happy to see his birth mom and sisters, and played with all the neighbor kids too. Our kids quickly started up a game of tag, I played hand clapping games with some of the kids, and led many verses of "if you're happy and you know it", "head shoulders knees and toes", etc. These sweet little kids just ate up the attention - it was darling to connect with these beautiful children. They were all sharing a bag of uncooked ramen noodles when we arrived, crunching it like a snack. Three of the girls really learned the "do you know exactly how to eat an oreo" hand clap game I taught them, and were teaching it to the others. They were proud of their new skills and so receptive to the praise. Peter gave many airplane rides, swinging kids through the air, etc... Then we took Emcilla and the girls to lunch....yes - 9 of us (3 adults and 6 kids) in our little tuna can rental car. We were quite the attraction at the restaurant....stares and lots of questions. The server asked if we had 6 children. Then we dropped Emcilla and girls off at their home and went back to the hotel to re stock the snack give-a-ways. Boston had a hard time leaving their- it was his hardest transition yet. But he got past it and we went on to have a good time the rest of the day. We have asked for 4 days next without seeing the birth family - so feel these four days will help Boston in his bonding to us, as the past 3 days without seeing his birth family seemed to help. We also are so thankful to be learning about Boston's first two years and what his life was like.

Later we headed to Jacob's birth family's home and one of the aunts rode with us to where Jacob's birth mom, her husband, and two of her little boys were. We visited briefly there and made plans to take them to lunch later this week. Then we went back to where Jacob's birth grandmother lives - and she does not even have a fan in the stifling heat of this little home. So we went to EZ Price Mart and bought a fan, a screwdriver and an extension cord. While Peter put the fan together for her - I drove to the store and bought some cold pops for everyone. Such a simple thing - and we were able to get it done right then. The Grandma was so appreciative. She lost her husband to death last year, and has been recovering from a stroke herself.

We went to an early dinner at Tide Table - had good food and a relaxing time. Then back to the hotel for showers, books and bed. Today is our 12th day gone from home. It is going to be a pool day for sure - already promised the kids! Bye for now - Love, Lois

1 comment:

  1. You are all experiencing so much of RMI and the kid's birthfamilies in such a short period of time. Really making the most of every day and completely immerging yourselves. Amazed and so very proud of you my dear friends.
    I know that you and Peter must have enjoyed playing with all of the neighborhood children. And to be able to go and see Boston's first home- is really a valuable experience.
    You are getting priceless photos that the the kids will treasure. And my entire family is following your journey and sending their love and prayers.
    Hugs- enjoy a less intense pool day.
    Love you.
