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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wednesday Day #20

Hello on Wednesday morning. It is our 20th day gone from home! The picture above is of a pretty white flower that grows on the trees all around the hotel. I don't know the name of it.

Some random funny things this morning – the other night when I was downstairs checking email from the hotel restaurant…from the bar area was coming very loud and enthusiastic karaoke… off key and in another language. To hear Frank Sinatra’s “I did it my way” – just made me smile! Speaking of music – one day last week on a taxi ride somewhere – the music playing on the car radio had a catchy Marshallese tune and the words “please mama, please daddy, please don’t smoke the marijuana”. Peter and I just exchanged glances and the kids were oblivious to it as there is so much else to see along the road here. But then this morning as Peter was having his coffee on the lanai - he actually smelled some marijuana - so I guess that is why the song is popular here?!

We went to a playground in the morning yesterday on the grounds of the College of the Marshall Islands (a two year college). The kids enjoyed it and Jacob even made a couple quick friends who were eating freeze pops and gummi bears and shared with him as soon as they saw him. It is a great thing here how sharing seems just part of the culture. After Peter’s birthday dinner last week – there were some things left on some plates – and people just helped themselves to whatever they wanted. Maddy told us that was very Marshallese – not to waste the food, but if you want it, go ahead and eat it.

The pics are from the playground – Boston enjoyed climbing up the stairs and going down the slide over and over. He has his BOSTON Red Sox hat on in these pictures - thanks Dave M!

Boston seems to be really healing from the pneumonia. Jacob has had a cough, but we think it is due to the chlorine in the hotel pool. He is under the water so much while in the pool. He seems better since we haven’t been in the pool for three days – but in the ocean instead. Hannah and I both have colds, but not bad ones. Peter is going to see the doctor today as he is fighting some bug. That’s the medical report….

Weather is same as always – warm, humid, and mostly blue skies.

Hotel room is same as always – smallish for 5 people, ants are always waiting for any hint of food, but we are doing fine with it. Peter and the kids invented a baseball game in the room using an empty water bottle for the bat and a dry splash ball for the baseball. Jacob has gotten several home runs, Hannah enjoys being the catcher, and Boston hits pretty well too.
Well, the two tall stacks of pancakes are ready for me to take back up to the room to the rest of the family. Love to you all across the miles - thanks for keeping up with us through this adventure. Lois


  1. Yokwe well it doesn't seem like 20 days. But I know it sure does to you guys. This is the time that I started to go stir crazy. And Jerry wanted to ship me
    We never had problems with ants, it's wierd that at different parts of the island you have different visitors.
    Please bring back some of the warmth and sunshine. Today it is raining again and the temp is 68 degrees.
    We are keeping you all in our prayers so stay healthy and come home soon. It is nice to know that you are on the down hill side of your trip.
    Jerry, Deb, Anamaria & Lydia

  2. Fantastic pictures as always, Lois. The flower reminds me of a plumeria (says she who has been to Hawaii and seen them only once!) I'm sorry to hear that all are struggling with coughs, colds and other annoying "bugs", not to mention the true bugs (ants!). Hope you'll all be feeling better soon.

    Keeping you in my thoghts and prayers!

