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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Thursday morning hello

Hi everyone - The first picture above is from yesterday afternoon - hanging around the hotel room and playing. Next is the view from our hotel room balcony this morning 6/4/09! Sunshine, blue skies, and water that is many shades of blue and green.
As we were walking the couple blocks from our hotel to get our water and supplies yesterday, a man on the street asked us about Hannah, because he recognized her from the photos we have sent in the past to Annie, Hannah's birth mom. This man was Annie's father - Hannah's birth grandfather! Annie, her 3 year old son, and her father came to the hotel to visit in the afternoon then. It was great to be able to connect with them, because they are leaving tomorrow for the remote island where they live (no electricity, etc). We hope to see them again today - but did have a good visit yesterday looking at pictures, taking new ones, etc. Hannah did really well with the visit and is very proud of a hair comb that Annie was wearing, and then gave to Hannah.
The weirdest thing happened last night - Boston got completely underneath our bed and was asleep there! We have a little bed made up for him on the floor next to my side of the bed - just between the bed and the walls - it's soft and cozy and he's done well there, moving around some but sleeping great through the nights. Last night about 2am I woke up and could not see him. I thought I must be dreaming - checked the whole room and could not find him. Then I turned on the bathroom lights and started looking under the bed. I could not reach him he was so far under our bed - sleeping away! It was so frightening! So then I had to wake Peter up and tell him what happened. Peter's first comment (from his half asleep stage mind you) was that Boston was sleeping fine there. I told him we HAD to get him out - what if he woke up, popped up his head, was disoriented, frightened or hurt. Peter was able to reach Boston and gently pull him out. Boston only cried out once and went right back to sleep - but then I lined up all our 2.5 gallon jugs of water to block the opening to go under the bed so that doesn't happen again. The first thing Jacob and Hannah asked this morning was why the water was all by the bed - - Peter told them I was REALLY thirsty in the night! I'm not laughing about the whole thing yet - still such an odd feeling to wake up to - but it will be a great story to tell Boston when he is older and much too big to fit under the bed.
Sending that fax yesterday took about 30 minutes, and doing one load of laundry took over 2 hours. Peter says we are spoiled with the conveniences at home - probably!! It has been good to see Boston more happy than sad lately, and engaging more and more in play and interacting with us. I am going to send this now and hope to write more tomorrow. It took an hour just to get on line this morning - so the kids are long done with breakfast and walking around outside with Peter. Love, Lois

1 comment:

  1. Oh Lois! It does sound so frightening to wake up and not see your little guy where he should be. You must have been so beside yourself. I do NOT blame you for not laughing at this point and time. And that Peter can laugh and joke is so dad-like! Dave would be the same way! UGG!

    Amazing and just beyond belief that you just ran into Hannah's birth grandfather. How wonderful that you could connect before they went to the other island. How special for Hannah to be able to have that visit and to receive a gift from her- oh wow. What an amazing gift the whole experience must have been. And how emotional for all.

    Everyday seems to be brighter than the last.
    I am loving the pictures and dying for more. Boston just lights up the entire frame. Love your family on the bed.
    love you,
