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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wednesday day #13 - unexpected visitors

Good morning! Here's Boston from yesterday afternoon, after his nap, when he and I joined Hannah, Jacob and Peter down by the pool. Where he is standing is a decorative planter area, with a drop off to the ocean right behind him -- so that's why you see Peter's arm in the picture too!

Then here is that same view minus Boston - hope you can see how clear the water is and how much colorful coral is just underneath the surface.

The big highlight of our day for Jacob and Hannah was several hours at the pool.
It was a very low key day yesterday... In the morning we did a few errands and also made one delivery for friends from home, to get a gift to the birth mother of their son. After pool time, showers, returning the rental car and an early dinner - the kids were in pjs, we were reading books and then a knock came at the door. It was Hannah's birth mother, her husband and son. We explained that it was almost bed time for our kids but did invite them in for a bit. Our early bed time, where our kids are in bed by 8pm - is odd to them and seems really early. With the heat of the day, and sometimes sleeping in the day to escape the heat - we learned that folks here stay up much later in the evening and night. It makes sense because once the sun goes down, it does get a little bit cooler. Anyway - I was proud of Peter and I because we were able to communicate with them - "thanks for coming and visiting, but now we have to get our kids to bed" (who were now very wild having gotten to play with 3 year old Joshua for a bit now right before bed!) This family is waiting for a boat to be repaired so that they can travel back to an outer atoll where more of their family lives. Every day it seems they are hopeful the boat will be ready but it isn't.
Then we had one other unexpected visitor - a really really big bug - on the wall in the room after the kids were asleep. Peter could not reach it - swatted it with a towel but then lost track of it. We think it is a cockroach on steriods, and have seen one another time in the room. Tropics and bugs go together.
Bye for now - I checked DHL and our papers are at their 2nd stop in Honolulu Hawaii. After that they will go to Manila, Philippines. Hannah told me yesterday that she can't remember what our house looks like at home!! Funny how for the kids this time in RMI seems even longer to them! But we are trying to make the most of every day and have lots of fun along the way. Boston is a lot of fun and is doing great. Love, Lois

1 comment:

  1. Good day Lois and crew! If possible could you please post a photo of the tuna can car. I need a visual to help further the image of 9 people in one tiny car!
    Peace and blessings..
