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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Morning, Afternoon and Evening, now Day #15 Friday

Hi everyone - here is a picture of Peter and the kids from yesterday morning...before the doctor for Boston. We brought some balloons for our little birthday celebration which have been a big hit with all the kids.

Thanks for all the comments you are posting on the blog. We are enjoying those. Yesterday seemed to be maintenance day on the island here. At the hotel - they washed down the outside of the stucco walls and cement hall ways from the 3rd/top floor where we are, down to the ground floor. The whole hotel seemed to be dripping with water. Then we also saw the big tall palm trees outside the hotel get pruned. The workers would climb a ladder part way up the tree, then climb up the trunk of the tree to the top, while carrying a big knife. At the top, they would hack away and palm fronds and coconuts would go crashing to the street below. When done, the worker would drop the knife to the ground and then climb down so quickly and easily - it was amazing. Then we learned that yesterday was a planned power outage from 8am - 5pm. It is something they do every few months.
After pool time for Jacob & Hannah, and a nap for Boston - here are the 3 kids sitting on Jacob's bed (which is a 3rd double mattress added to our room on the floor, jammed between the sliding glass door to the lanai on one side, and Hannah's double bed on the other side) watching a DVD on the laptop. I think it was Boston's first time watching a DVD - and it was a video of kids singing kids songs. He loved it. How about those curtains over the slider!? The curtains and the bedspreads are the same exact ones from 2003!
Boston does not like taking the medicine for his pneumonia (no surprises there!), but did sleep better last night and continues to be pleasant and fun, even though dragging. He stayed on Peter's shoulder most of our birthday dinner last night - so didn't spread his germs too far. We were 16 at dinner last night - Maddy and 2 of her girls, Gordon and 4 of his family, and then Hannah's birth mom and her family. Annie stopped by to visit just as we were getting ready to go to dinner, so they came along too. Below is a picture of us 5 in the lobby of the restaurant.

It was a good day celebrating Peter's birthday and getting Boston started on meds. The days here pass a lot slower than the days at home, but Friday is underway now. Bye until next time! Love, Lois

1 comment:

  1. Peter and Lois,
    It has been very fun to follow this trip and see the blog. Fun photos and quite and adventure. We are very happy for you and hope that you are enjoying your time away and together. Peter, I know it is early tomorrow there, but a big Happy Birthday to you! It looks like a great place to be on your birthday.
    Things are good for us in health and we love this time of year here. Sales are slow, but we are hanging in there.
    We love you guys and look forward to seeing how each day goes.
    Dave for the Stenstroms in New Hampshire.
